Archive for October, 2010


Paperwork Trail: The Lawyers Who Fight Foreclosures –

A great comment on this issue was submitted on a related page for comments:
“o 2:14 pm October 22, 2010
o Fred Smith wrote:

Nobody has brought up the distinct possibility that the loan servicers may well have bundled and sold each of these loans MORE THAN ONCE to differernt investors via the securitization process. THIS COULD BE THE REAL REASON THAT THERE IS NO DOCUMENTATION / PAPER TRAIL. The non-existent documentation and accounting is entirely consistent with this scenario. This means that the entire plan was a true Ponzi scheme in the worst sense. In other words, rather than selling the loan once to investors, as we have all naively been assuming, there is no reason to believe that they did not double-dip or quintuple-dip and sell the exact same loan to completely new buyers. THIS IS A LEVEL OF FRAUD THAT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HAS NOT YET CONTEMPLATED.

There are no new laws that are necessary. All that is necessary is for the states to FOLLOW THE EXISITING LAWS which have been around much longer than any of us, or any of the banks themselves. These laws were devised to deal with all property frauds, including the current foreclosure frauds. No more bailouts. Let the chips fall where they may. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________From the page: Mr. Stephan re-emerged in June, in a case that helped spark the current foreclosure turmoil. A pro bono lawyer in Maine, Thomas Cox, took another deposition from Mr. Stephan, who again acknowledged routinely signing documents without reviewing the loans.

GMAC tried to sanction the lawyer on grounds he had embarrassed its employees, a maneuver that could have kept him from using the Stephan deposition as evidence. The motion was denied by Maine’s Ninth District state court, which also ruled, late last month, that GMAC had submitted the Stephan affidavits “in bad faith.” The court ordered GMAC to pay Mr. Cox $27,000, a sum it said he might have earned for his legal work if he hadn’t been working pro bono.

GMAC suspended its foreclosure sales in 23 states in September and widened the freeze in October, before saying on Monday that it would again push forward with some of them. It has been replacing court affidavits that Mr. Stephan signed with documents signed by others.

At Ice Legal in Royal Palm Beach, attorneys are working through a load of several hundred foreclosure cases. Mr. Ice has hired three new lawyers and says he’s so busy he has stopped playing golf and spends most of his time at the office. The firm has deposed alleged robo-signers at three other lenders or mortgage-serving companies besides GMAC. “


Man Buys Police Departments Domain Name After Getting Ticket | Raw Justice

From the page: ” Man Buys Police Departmentâ€s Domain Name After Getting Ticket
by admin on October 8, 2010

Most of the time, if you get a speeding ticket you just grumble about it and pay the fine. Itâ€s usually not a big deal for most people unless it happens a lot or they get caught going a ridiculous amount over the posted speed limit. You can fight it in court or just pay the ticket, and for most people those are the only options.

However, after receiving a $90 speeding ticket in Bluff City, Tennessee, Brian McCrary discovered a third option. The Bluff City Police Department had forgotten to renew their domain name,, and let it expire. McCrary bought the domain name for $80 and posted his side of the story with information about speed traps in Bluff City and the $250,000 per month they cost the townâ€s 1,500 residents.
The police department had no idea their domain name had expired and that McCrary owned it until reporters started calling them to ask about it. Bluff City Police Chief David Nelson said they may approach McCrary about buying the domain back from him, but they are not optimistic.
McCraryâ€s goal is to get enough attention to put pressure on the local government to remove the traffic enforcement cameras in Bluff City. “


From the page: ” Countries welcome new Assembly President’s focus on global governanceJoseph Deiss, President of 65th session of the General Assembly21 September 2010 – Several countries have expressed support for the initiative of the General Assembly President to make global governance a central theme of the current session of the United Nations body.

Prime Minister Klaus Tschütscher of Liechtenstein, as well as Sheikh Khalid ibn Ahmad Al Khalifa, the Foreign Minister of Bahrain; Xavier Espot Miró, the Foreign Minister of Andorra; and Amr Moussa, the Secretary-General of the Arab League concurred with Joseph Deiss on prioritizing such an important topic. “

10 – The Zionist Billionaires Who Control Political Discourse

Thumbed up because its a very interesting read and worth looking into. It’s sure to offend almost everyone for one reason or another. For instance, he says that “Moreover, the John Birch society was founded by members of the Council on Foreign Relations, many of whom were Masons, and staffed by former Communist writers.” Imagine that, even the JBS, a front for commies, masonic overlords & zionists.
OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marilyn M. Barnewall — Unity in a Disunified Country

From the page: “So how do we, as a people, unify around all of this disunity? How do we rebuild our nation?

We get our country back the same way we lost it: One politician at a time, one judge at a time.

At this moment, we have problems at the federal level. Itâ€s called over-spending and bankruptcy. We need to get liberals of both parties out of Congress if we want to survive economically. Economic survival and bankruptcy are nose-and-nose right now… bankruptcy may be winning.

The liberals have had control of Congress for four years, not just 20 months as they hold forth. Weâ€re going to have to vote for candidates we donâ€t like — who arenâ€t really conservative — and get rid of them with better candidates, in two years. Itâ€s the only lawful way to take the country back. Or, we can become proactive rather than reactive.

One good way to get our country back is to get rid of Rule 6 (g), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Before the 1950s, the People could call a Grand Jury without the involvement of judges, district attorneys or prosecutors. We didnâ€t need governmentâ€s approval to legally investigate government misdeeds. That changed when the Federal Rules Advisory Committee gave us Rule 6.

Read about how the Grand Jury system is supposed to work on behalf of the people, not the government here (Leo C. Donofrio, J.D.) and here (Roger Roots, Creighton Law Review).

Without Rule 6, citizens can hold governmentâ€s feet to a fire of constitutional law. Minus Rule 6, America regains the fourth leg of government given us by our founders. If we get rid of Rule 6 — which many legal experts believe is unconstitutional — the people can call Grand Juries and the people can run them.

Without Rule 6, the people lawfully could investigate government misdeeds and the evidence presented does not require the approval of a judge or district attorney or prosecutor. Donâ€t tell me weâ€d be in this mess if Rule 6 didnâ€t stand in our way. I donâ€t believe it! Every state in the country would have called a Grand Jury to investigate the existence of a certain birth certificate and other missing records to assure an elected official is qualified to hold his job. Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure is the major blockade.

How hard will it be for Tea Party groups nationally to get past the protest stage and move on to use their power for positive legal change? “


Harry Belafonte Lashes Out at Tea Party at One Nation Leftist Rally

From the page: ” jackohoft


October 02, 2010

Communist-supporting actor Harry Belafonte lashed out at the Tea Party Movement today at the leftist One Nation rally. “


Gateway Pundit

From the page: “Castro-supporting actor Harry Belafonte lashed out at the “insidious” Tea Party Movement today at the leftist One Nation rally.
The leftist crowd loved it.

From his speech:
Abraham Lincoln knew the evil of slavery and in abolishing that evil saved America. Although slavery may have been abolished, crippling poison, racism, still persists. And the struggle still continues… Perhaps the greatest threat of all is the undermining of our Constitution and the systematic attacks against the inalienable rights of the citizens of this nation. Rights that are guaranteed by our Constitution. At the vanguard of this insidious attack is the Tea Party. This band of misguided citizens is moving perilously close to achieving villainous ends.”


Remember back when the Left and Democrats used to care about the environment? | RedState

From the page: ““Hope & change? Aftermath of One Nation rally.””


Why we march and vote & cpusa

From the Communists own page, talking about the OneNation Rally. Remember, they are allied in this with the Democrats and Labor Unions: ” cpusaMarch
On October 2, tens of thousands of people will stand together in Washington, D.C. demanding that Congress reject the Republican right-wing obstruction and put the creation of jobs and the plight of the jobless on the front burner.

The most crucial midterm elections in our nation’s history are barely a month away. What’s at stake? The future of the changes our country voted for in 2008 with the election of President Obama. The message then was clear: the voters had enough of the right-wing policies attacking working people, enough of endless war, racism, environmental destruction, hate and division. “


One Nation Rally Respect for Our WWII Vets

From the page: ” hostagehoosier


October 02, 2010

This video was taken after the One Nation rally on 10/2/2010 at the World War II Memorial in Washington DC. They left our Mall littered with their pre-printed Union signs and garbage. Very classy. “

October 2010