Archive for June, 2005


Karyns reviews – StumbleUpon


A Soldiers Thoughts

To Walk Away….

I will not be what you make of me. I won’t fit into your box, and I am not a conscientious objector. I have killed and I never hesitated when it came time to pull the trigger.

There are things that I will not forget. At the top of that list is my family. When they are lawful I follow my orders, and I accept responsibility for my actions.

I will remember the hings I have done. Make no mistake about that point. I will remember. Sorrow is not something I ask for. Please don’t spare it on me, there are many others more deserving, the Iraqis come to mind.

To quit, to walk away is to not see my family. That is a choice I am not willing to make.

posted by Zach Attack at 10:24 AM


mazingas favorite websites – StumbleUpon

so there I am totally wrapped up in some serious real life issues, almost no time for SU. I come back for a peek while at work and find one of my recent visitors was that interesting & somewhat enigmatic Mazinga.
I figure with so little time, one thing to finally do is say hi to ol’ Maz and thank him for his interest in my SU page , etc. etc. But noooooooooo, he’s yet another SUicde case. Well, good luck & be well Maz.
But tis true, a lot of good ones have dropped out of here. Man…..


From the page: “For the fifteenth year in a row, Children’s Hospital Boston has been rated one of the nation’s top hospitals specializing in pediatric care, according to a survey by U.S.News & World Report.

Children’s Hospital Boston is a 325-bed comprehensive center for pediatric health care. As one of the largest pediatric medical centers in the United States, Children’s offers a complete range of health care services for children from birth through 21 years of age. (Our Advanced Fetal Care Center can begin interventions at 15 weeks gestation and we treat adults in special situations.)

Children’s records approximately 18,000 inpatient admissions each year, and our more than 150 outpatient programs and emergency services care for more than 300,000 patients annually. The hospital also performs 120,000 radiological examinations every year.

Children’s is the primary pediatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, where most of our physicians hold faculty appointments. The hospital’s clinical staff includes approximately 800 active medical and dental staff, 700 residents and fellows, and 3,300 full-time employees, including a Patient Services staff of approximately 800, and 850 volunteers.

Children’s Hospital Boston is also home to the world’s largest pediatric research facility. In the John F. Enders Pediatric Research laboratories, named for the Nobel Prize recipient who cultured the polio and measles viruses at Children’s, hundreds of laboratory researchers and physician investigators search for answers to some of the most perplexing childhood diseases. Through the years, scientists at Children’s have set the pace in pediatric research, identifying treatments and therapies for many debilitating childhood diseases. And children’s researchers have been instrumental in eradicating some of the most serious illnesses that for generations threatened young lives.

For anyone with kids who have serious conditions that regular medical help is unable to deal with, this is the place to go. In these times of emerging diseases, rising rates of infection, and lowering academic standards, its a blessing to know that some American institutions still try hard to maintain professionalism and the best levels of research & public service in the world. God still blesses America, in spite of ourselves.


Religious Institutions

Here’s the paradox: In order to save America, Americans as individuals and as family units should turn to God for salvation, mercy and for guidance as they generally did up until recently. Yet the current occupant of the White House is anything but Christian. The Bush cabal and their attemts to foist a mock Christianity on America should be rejected by discerning Christians. God & Country in the proper balance as set up by the founding fathers is what made this nation great. Theocracy & Country is what will break it down by alienating people from each other. But worse than that, it will alienate the nation from God, as have all theocracies. The misuse of faith & God for political purposes will lead this once free & sovereign nation into the clutches of the New Whirled Order. “Scary“? you bet it is, for the non-beleiver as well as for the true Christian remnant.


Evangelicals represent a wide range of beliefs, but, in general, have undergone a conversion experience, often referred to as “born again.” The literature generally puts the number of people who identify as evangelical at about ninety-eight million. But the term “evangelical” does not mean a certain political belief.
Alan Jacobs a professor of English at Wheaton College in Illinois, a leading evangelical liberal arts institution, wrote: You know you’re an evangelical if the fundamentalists think you’re a liberal and the liberals think you’re a fundamentalist. Mark Noll,

a historian and professor of Christian thought at Wheaton College,

said in an interview on the PBS documentary The Jesus Factor, featured on Frontline, “Evangelical is a slippery word …”

But there are … a series of characteristics and designations, beliefs and practices — of which four have been designated by the British historian, David Bebbington, and provide a very good summary designation of what evangelicals do and believe. His four characteristics are: a very strong belief in the Bible as the primary religious authority; a commitment to the practice of
conversion, so that people need to be changed in a Christian direction
as a basis for participation in the life of God. The third
characteristic that he mentions is activism, especially a willingness
to tell other people about the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.
The fourth characteristic is a special assessment of the work of Christ
on the cross. The death and resurrection of Christ is the heart of the
Christian faith.

These four characteristics do work quite well to designate a broad family of religious interest.”


re the occasional slowness of SU and the disabled archives:


The New Life Mission – A Bible study on being born again of water and the Spirit

I am thumbing this up so that fellow Christians may view this page and be made aware of the doctrinal errors it contains. While the teachings of Paul C. Jong at first seem very doctrinally sound, closer inspection indicates questionable stances. For a couple of views exposing the errors of Paul C. Jong see: “The concern that I have is brought out in Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit in some “questions and answers.” Someone (allegedly) wrote:
“I am sure that believing in Jesus has saved me. I have had peace and conviction in my heart. But now, I am confused by your messages. Should I believe in His baptism along with His cross to be saved?”
Jong responds: “If you don’t believe in Jesus’ baptism, it is for sure that you have sin in your heart … If we don’t believe in the gospel of water and the Spirit, which the apostles preached, we still have sin in us.”
Confusing? It sure is. But the fact is that if you repeat a big enough lie often enough and fervently enough, it will take on a life of its own. But – it must be a big lie, and it must be repeated often with great fervor and conviction.
” ——— and ————-
However, one Christian who is spiritually keen in discerning doctrines will notice two of Jong’s beliefs such as these,
***** We believe that Jesus Christ is God, was born of a virgin, baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, crucified as the Lamb of God, rose again from the dead, and ascended to heaven, where He is presently exalted at the Father’s right hand.
***** We believe that salvation consists of the remission of sins, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, and the gift of eternal life, received by faith alone, apart from works.
Inclusion of statements such as Jesus being “baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River” and “salvation consist[ing] of the remission of sins” becomes suspicious and requires us to draw a closer look. This is because a careful study of his doctrine reveals that he believes in addition to faith it is also essential to believe in the act of Jesus’ water baptism[3] performed by John in the Jordan River through laying on of hands as a prerequisite for salvation thereby making a person righteous and justified before God.


thornlessroses reviews – StumbleUpon

Is RL claiming another stumbler? Ahhh yes, a placid pool can embrace one’s whole being when they jump in. Problem is, some jump in and finds himself in over his head, fear of drowning ensues, thrashing about, grasping for what he knows not…

You cannot control how others react to your placidness or your embrace. This lack of predictability is part of what makes individuals fantastic. Yet it can may relationships ephemeral…

Wishing you well in RL and in your stumbles.


New and Fascinating Articles

Great downloads of alternative news / conspiracy FACTS. This was a fave along with the dear departed UnderGround Archives site. I just wish they’d update their stuff, but at least they are still around.

June 2005