Archive for the 'Medical Science' Category


Department of Genetics &Development

From the page: “In another line of research the molecular elucidation of two known human genetic diseases allowed us to identify another novel physiological loop this one linking bone and the GI tract. Indeed, we have shown recently that gut-derived serotonin is a hormone whose main function is to inhibit bone formation by osteoblast. Because we have elucidated the entire molecular cascade from the synthesis of the hormone to its target genes in osteoblast we are now in a position to test the therapeutic relevance of this pathway in the treatment of osteoporosis. This work on serotonin has triggered a more general interest in the lab about the possible role and mechanism of action of brain-derived serotonin in the control of bone mass. These projects focused on serotonin regulation of bone mass and address both basic physiological functions and its potential therapeutic outcome in humans.”


Pharmacological inhibition of gut-derived serotonin synthesis is a potential bone anabolic treatment for osteoporosis : Nature Medicine : Nature Publishing Group

From the page: “Pharmacological inhibition of gut-derived serotonin synthesis is a potential bone anabolic treatment for osteoporosis”


How gut bacteria influence brain chemistry &mood – for better or worse

From the page: “For the first time, researchers at Canada’s McMaster University have conclusive evidence that bacteria residing in the gut influence brain chemistry and behavior.

The findings are important because:

* Several common types of gastrointestinal disease, including irritable bowel syndrome, are frequently associated with anxiety or depression.

* In addition there has been speculation that some psychiatric disorders, such as late onset autism, may be associated with an abnormal bacterial content in the gut.

“The exciting results (published online by the journal Gastroenterology) provide stimulus for further investigating a microbial component to the causation of behavioral illnesses,” according to McMaster gastroenterologists Stephen Collins and Premysl Bercik.

For each person, the gut is home to about 1,000 trillion bacteria with which we live in harmony. These bacteria perform a number of functions vital to health. They:

* Harvest energy from the diet,

* Protect against infections,

* And provide nutrition to cells in the gut.

Any disruption of the gut bacteria can result in life-threatening conditions, such as antibiotic-induced colitis from infection with the “superbug” Clostridium difficile.”


Chronic Gastrointestinal Inflammation Induces Anxiety-Like Behavior and Alters Central Nervous System Biochemistry in Mice

From the page: “Conclusions
Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation induces anxiety-like behavior and alters central nervous system biochemistry, which can be normalized by inflammation-dependent and -independent mechanisms, neither of which requires the integrity of the vagus nerve.”


E coli infections spread around world as Germany reports 200 new cases | World news | The Guardian

From the page: ” Scientists are still working to understand the new strain better. Professor James Paton, director of the Research Centre for Infectious Diseases at the University of Adelaide, said the O104:H4 strain causes disease by colonising the human gut and releasing a toxin called Shiga into the intestines.”The toxin is then absorbed into the blood and then attacks the kidneys and the small blood vessels, resulting in a life-threatening condition called haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). Damage to the blood vessels supplying the gut is also largely responsible for the severe, often bloody diarrhoea suffered by patients with … infection,” he said.Typically, fewer than 5% of patients with diarrhoea caused by this type of bacterium develop HUS but in the current European outbreak, the proportion of people with HUS is very much higher, about 25%, indicating that it is extremely virulent, said Paton. Possible explanations for this could include higher production of the Shiga toxin, or better absorption of the toxin by the gut.The E coli O104:H4 strain is also resistant to several antibiotics. “But this is not an issue in the current outbreak, because antibiotics are not used to treat patients with … infection or HUS,” said Paton. “Indeed, such therapy may make the disease worse … massively increasing the amount of toxin released into the gut.” “


E coli outbreak: WHO says bacterium is a new strain | World news |

From the page: ” German doctors confirm World Health Organisation’s report that there has never before been an outbreak of this strain of E coli Link to this video

A new and more virulent strain of the E coli bacterium caused the outbreak that has killed 17 people and left more than 1,500 ill across Europe, the World Health Organisation has announced.Hilde Kruse, a food safety expert at the WHO, told the Associated Press it was “a unique strain that has never been isolated from patients before … [its characteristics] make it more virulent and toxin-producing”.”


The reason why this deadly E coli makes doctors shudder | Maryn McKenna | Comment is free | The Guardian

From the page: ” One aspect of the epidemic, though, has received little notice: this aberrant strain is resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics. Among all the urgent issues raised by this outbreak, that drug resistance should ring the loudest warning bells ââ,¬” and prompt serious consideration of curbing the vast overuse of antibiotics that has created it.O104’s resistance profile has been briefly mentioned, but as a curiosity that distinguishes the strain rather than as a concern. That is largely because the safest way to treat infections caused by an E coli strain that also produces toxins, as this one does, is to refrain from using antibiotics ââ,¬” since when the drugs kill the bacteria, they cause the toxins to be released and bring on the illness’s worst symptoms.So since antibiotics are not being used against this E coli, whether they would work if tried has become just a matter of academic interest ââ,¬” one finding among many being posted on the internet by volunteer researchers performing rapid analyses all over the world.But even though it may be irrelevant for the current victims, the significant antibiotic resistance in this E coli strain is worth a second look. That is partly because Shiga-toxin-producing E coli strains such as O104:H4, and its much better-known close relative, O157:H7, are rarely resistant ââ,¬” so at the least this represents the acquisition of new defences by an already formidable foe. “


HPA – Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs)

From the page: “Until recently, the numbers of patients affected remained small and the problem showed little sign of growing.

However, a new class of ESBL (called CTX-M enzymes) has emerged and these have been widely detected among Escherichia coli ( E. coli) bacteria. These ESBL-producing E. coli are able to resist penicillins and cephalosporins and are found most often in urinary tract infections – though not simple cystitis. Of concern, they have been found in the community as well as in hospitals, but patients with ‘community acquired’ infections may have had previous contact with hospitals.”


Cancer cure known for 35 years? | Sovereign Independent

The linked info on alternative Medic Dr. Stan Burzynski is vital. However I too am disappointed that of all the sites that promote the video on Burzynski, the Sovereign Independant has chosen to use the website of the anti-Christian “Acharya S”. better to thumb up any other site that links to this all-important video.

From the comments: ” Lu XianJune 12, 2011 – 18:34
Love your website. I did watch this very moving documentary, and was stunned at how vile and criminal the US FDA and Government have become, as well as the “National Cancer Societ” (so-called). I watched the movie at the reputable site. Why anyone would you want to link to “Acharya S.” (Ms. Murdoch anti-Jesus vigilante) is my question. I’ll take the non-religious any day over her pseudo-science! This woman writes fables about history totally unsupported by serious scholars.

I love most of everything else you present. May God bless! Keep up the good work. “


Dr Sherri Tenpenny Truthsquad Interview on Vaccines, Big Pharma &Autism

From the page: “Uploaded by TruthSquadTV on Apr 3, 2011

Danny Panzella of recently caught up with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny of to talk about vaccines, the pharmaceutical industry, lack of nutrition and how that contributes to autism and other disease.

June 2024